lundi 5 décembre 2011

Brown eyes

Have you ever notice that in magazines, not a lot of the models have brown eyes? Well, I'm talking about caucasian women, because I know that Affricain-Americain and Latina women have naturally brown eyes. I say that because in the mags I have (Loulou, Clin d'oeil, ELLE Québec, Flare) Not a lot of models have the same eyes I have. I look at the beautiful make-up spreads and how-to's, but none of the girls have brown eyes! I mean most of them have green ones and blue. Hazel sometimes, but not chocolat! I wonder if one day, there will be a spread of only brown eye girls for a make-up shoot, because it's one of the most commun eye colors in the world!

Thank god for tutorials on Youtube, at least some have heard me :) OOOOH and don't get me started on glasses! I've never seen a magazine talk about how to make yourself pretty with glasses on. Maybe some tricks and bits, but full article....NO. And again, thank you Youtube :)
Sweet Shinobi signing off !

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