mercredi 28 décembre 2011

My beauty collection

Hey guys! I saw on Michelle's Phan website that she posted her makeup/beauty collection and HOLY COW! she has so much! I know she gets samples from many places, but I'm so amazed and really jealous T.T It's funny because I was at a drug store looking at Pupa makeup to get this free bag and the lady came and told me if I wanted any help at findong something. I said no, thinking I had enough stuff and just wanted to look. It hit me like a ton of bricks, do I really nned to spend again if I don't need it??? I left the store empty handed and felt better, but also weird because I call myself a beauty junkie and all....

Anyway, here is my beauty collection and I have to say, I have a lot of stuff and not a lot of space! These pictures have the minimum of my makeup collection, because I had to pack some for my intership out of town,some brushes are missing and some of my makeup kits. I'm still impressed with all the stuff I have and with my 50$ certificate at Sephora, my collection is growing more!!!!!

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