mardi 3 janvier 2012

That annoying friend

Hello! I don't know if you are like me, but I have this annoying friend. We all have this person in our lives that means well, but sometimes just gets on our nerves!!!!!! Like one of my friends, let's call her J. I met J at university. We met at initiations and she decided to stick with me and my new group of friends. I found out that she will be in some of my classes. Up to then, things are cool. No big problem, but the big issu is all the texting she does and the way she will take one thing and exagerate it to the max. Here are some examples: my chair falls down, she says I'm trying to kill her. She always texts me so I'll go see her new facebook video or photo and she wants me to comment. She thinks she's funny, but she gets on everybodies nerve. She has the gift of texting me a lot of nothingness. For example, she textes me at 10:30 pm to tell me she wants a new nail color, she told me that she took pictures of Squirrels and that mtl squirrels are cuter than sherbrooke one....????? Like I said, a bunch of nothing. I can go on, but you get the whole picture. Yet this girl is very kind and we have our good moments together. But when my cell phone rings, everybody in the house already knows who it is!

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