lundi 21 novembre 2011

Brrrrrr it's cold

Well, we have no choice but to accept it! Here in Quebec, winter is comming... This season is really wy leasr favorite. I meen going out in the cold at minus 30 Celsius really sucks. I was trying to find good reasons to like winter and only found one: ice skating outside. But the rest... NOPE! No fun.

With that said, with cold weather comes ways to stay warm when you have to go outside. Like wearing a coat. In fashion, most of the time I'm more confort than style. If I have to walk a lot, I won't make myself suffer with wearing high heels. Same goes when winter arrives. It's cold outside. Close your coat! I don't care that you want to show me your new sweater! Heck! You look pretty dumb when it's minus 30! Same goes for shoes. If there is 3 feets of snow... No heels!!! If you live in the city and you use public transportation, Ok I get it, the streets are cleaner. But in the suburbs, no way.

I remember a story once that in my town the temperature was minus 40-50 and some guy was wearing a SWEATSHIRT! WHAT.....! He said, and I quote: « Ça me prend plus pour mettre un manteau » he is saying that he dosen't care and the day he will wear a coat is when his fingers are falling. And also in the picture were 2 girls in tiny coats and no hats. You know the type of coat where there's fur and when you raise your arm, half a mile of skin shows...

But really, cover yourselves and you will look less dumb in very cold weather

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