mercredi 16 novembre 2011

Surprises in life

We all know that life in unpredictable. If are whole lives were known right from the beginning, we would never get to discover other things or be surprised by the little accidents of life. Surprises can be good, like for example, I won a contest that I had totally forgot about but REALLY happy to have won. So I say " HEy maybe this is a sign that my luck is changing and I will get my intership soon." Well no, I still don't have an intership... one good thing for a bad one. Other example: I'm a seller on ebay and sold a figurine, it took the buyer longer than I expexted to pay after requesting me to immediatly send her the invoice. I thought that I was going to have to get Ebay to help me, but she finally paid. Now thats a bad surprise to a good one. Life works in mysterous ways. We all had that moment when we stare at the sky and say " WHY ME GOD! WHAT DID I DO???" Yup, nobody can't deny. So I'm crossing my fingers and hoping for the best. I'm grateful for the people around me who support me, because sometimes, i really feel like crap and that I have nothing good to give to the world.

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