jeudi 8 décembre 2011

All stars Finals

Well the resuslts are in we know who won America's next top model. drum roll please.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's Lisa! Well I dispointed for Allison, she was good. But where is Angelea? Well if you saw the show, you notice that the final has been reshooted. But I was wondering why? Well Angelea was disqualified from the finals. With a little research, I found out that apparently, she won the cycle 17, but leaked the info and bragged about it. She was not supposed to because the show ended months ago. So the re-did the juging and Lisa won. Well she deserves it, like Angelea, she had a bad childhood and seeing her rise to the top is great. Good luck Lisa and Bravo Allison.

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