I'm kind of disapointed with the results, because of the cheesy stuff, I stop watching for some time. I heard they were making 2 seasons of PRS instead of Goseiger and them jumping straight to Gokeiger (Pirates). I'm sorry be I really don't like Emily the yellow ranger, she looks fake. I meen, she drops a rock on Kevin's foot, yes she's sorry, but with a big smile???? fake. I'm a big japanese culture buff, but this series doesn't appeal to me... First time I saw the Red Ranger's Helmet, the visor looked like a penis. I'M SORRY, but it really does... And the fact that them brought Bulk and Spike is the stupidest idea ever. I mean, where do them come in and why? Comic relief? What they do is kind of embarassing for the show.

Goseigers is about magic and stuff, so I know they did it already with Mystic Force, but cut it? I like seeing new outfits and weapons. Gokeiger is really good, because it remembers all of the other Sentai season and seeing girls in male uniforms ROCK.

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