mercredi 7 décembre 2011

Power rangers Samurai

Even if I'm 21, I still watch PR and still look it up on the web. I also loke Super Sentai, the inpseration for PR. I watch MMPR when I was little. I stop, because we didn't have to good channel. I started again in 7th grade with Power Rangers Ninja Storm (yay ninjas!) And I've been watching even since. Now, after Disney bought the right to the show, Saban bought them back and started making Power Rangers Samurai. I'm sorry to say this, but the actors are one of the most cheesiest rangers out there! All of them are captain obvious...I know, this show is for kids and tweens, but please! We had better acting 10 years ago even in Mystic Force the acting was better (not one of my favorites...)  Look there, up there, he distroyed the building, let's stop him, NO SHIT!

 I'm kind of disapointed with the results, because of the cheesy stuff, I stop watching for some time. I heard they were making 2 seasons of PRS instead of Goseiger and them jumping straight to Gokeiger (Pirates). I'm sorry be I really don't like Emily the yellow ranger, she looks fake. I meen, she drops a rock on Kevin's foot, yes she's sorry, but with a big smile???? fake. I'm a big japanese culture buff, but this series doesn't appeal to me... First time I saw the Red Ranger's Helmet, the visor looked like a penis. I'M SORRY, but it really does... And the fact that them brought Bulk and Spike is the stupidest idea ever. I mean, where do them come in and why? Comic relief? What they do is kind of embarassing for the show.

Goseigers is about magic and stuff, so I know they did it already with Mystic Force, but cut it? I like seeing new outfits and weapons. Gokeiger is really good, because it remembers all of the other Sentai season and seeing girls in male uniforms ROCK.First: Goseiger and under Gokeiger

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