lundi 28 novembre 2011

A very Gaga experience

I just finished watching a Very Gaga Thanksgiving (I taped it :P) And I have to say that she really opened my eyes about who she was when she grew up and how it touched me because in some way, I saw myself in her. I was teased when I was in elementary and high school. I wasn't bullied as bad as she was, but I was different in a way that got me teased and in those times I didn't understand why? Why me and what would push them to do so. Looking back, I think those experience made me stronger and made me who I am today. Sure there moment where I doubt my talent and if I'm good enough, we are not perfect. And it showed me that being different is what makes us special and unique. I'm a geek who likes sweets, beauty, fashion, I want to start cosplaying, I like to have fun and I like having company around me. I have to always remember that there is a reason why I'm here and that I have to never give up. If you win, you'll get happy. If you lose, you'll get wise. Be unique and the people who laugh at you do not deserve to be your friend or to even known who you are. Like they say, the ones who pick on you are the ones who have the problem and are jealous of who you are.

Now back to Gaga, I want to say that she is just amazing. She has an incredible, incredible voice. She has tons of talent. I do not care If you hate her, but she has something that other artists don't. She's not trying to be someone else to please. If she wants to dress up in pink latex, let her be. She is not your typical pop star, she is a complete artist. Here is my ode to Gaga: a costume made by Bonpic and worn at international woman day :)

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