mardi 13 mars 2012

Callia pastry

Remember when I said that I visited a pastry shop in Chinatown? Well I forgot to give you the address! You can't miss it! you must not! here it is: 78, rue de la Gauchetière O, Montreal QC
Like I said, good for at good prices. The chinese donut was really good, but kind of wet, you know because of the oil.

The custard bread,was white bread with cream, but the bread was so fluffy it was delicious and the mini fried dow with custard was really good. (im repeating myself :) I haven't trien the coconut breads, but I'm sure I'll like them too!

UPDATE: the coconut bun was ok, I was surprise of the chucks of coconut. The coconut bread didn't had much of the sweet coconut, I wanted more. Another visit is required ;)

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