mardi 17 juillet 2012

It's time to sew!

OK NOW! I have finally made up my mind. I will learn how to sew. You may remember a post about the joys of sewing a few months back and how I now feel for people how have to sew for a living. But now, I motivated to perfect my skills (beginner skills :P) and maybe start a past-time and finally make some cosplay.

My fisrt project is from Power Ranger or Super Sentai if you like and it will be Ninja Storm's light blue ranger AKA Tori

No helmet or sword for my first sewing project. I will have to find a way to do the blue wirst cuff and I'll have to find boots. Thank God for spray paint, because I don't think I'll be able to find those specific boots. I'll try to post my progress on Sweet Shinobi and also the final results! All for Montreal Comic Con! If I have time, I'll try to do Jungle Fury Yellow, but if not, probably the Progressive Girl Flo, she's awesome :)

1 commentaire:

  1. Looking for the same costume for my nice, 3 year old, do you sell them?


